An Invitation to Reorient Toward Beauty, Ease and Pleasure
Exploring Sacred Sensuality
Join me on a two-week embodiment journey to ignite your inner fire! Your body was created to experience pleasure and ease and health and vitality. Rediscover Aliveness by playfully experimenting in the subtle fluid energy realms within yourself. You are the portal! You are here, now, to learn to become fully embodied!
People are struggling everywhere we turn—depressed, low energy, afraid, stressed, anxious, sick, and seriously questioning their desire to be alive right now. What if...we make a conscious decision…each day…to slow way down...and turn our focus toward Aliveness itself…to feel and to remember how Life Force Energy is dancing with and through us…to put our awareness on our sensual experience of being embodied... Does opening to more sensation and pleasure sound extravagant? Or perhaps ridiculously impossible, or frivolous, or radical, or shameful? For thousands of years humans have recognized that sensual energy, being turned on by life, is an incredibly crucial part of our vitality. Many ancient cultures equate sensual energy with the energies of healing, dreaming and creating. And this is exactly what the world needs right now—humans who are alive and healthy and whole and embodied and opening and creative and saying YES! Join me in experimenting with very ancient ways of becoming enlivened again—to reorient your brain, body and perceptive awareness toward receiving grace, ease, bliss, pleasure, healing and expansive beauty. You were created to feel and perceive so much more than you can even begin to imagine. In addition, all emotional and physical healing only happens when our Autonomic Nervous System is in a parasympathetic state, which only happens when we stop our dissociative behaviors and return once again to inhabit our bodies with presence and gratitude! Curiosity, playfulness and humility are the way through this portal to Aliveness. The Deep Feminine Current of Life A Continuous Stream of Nourishment The f**king Power of Creation Is all around you Coursing through you All the time Waiting for you to dance... |
When playing in the Field of Infinite Possibilities—opening and dancing and dreaming with Life Force Energy—your self-experiments can lead to unfathomable mysteries of healing, miracles, creativity, magic and flow. |
What people are saying about Sacred Sensuality journeys:
"Truly I am in awe of your daily invitations! Your delivery each day is so engaging and enlightening. You are sharing personal insights and experiences but it is not your agenda, rather an enticing exploration to consider. There is also a subtle sense that everyone is on a journey with you, collectively moving in a direction....a pathless path sort of feels safe to follow your daily lead!"
- from Steve in Arkansas
"The daily journey is extraordinary! I'm blown away as it is ten times more than I expected! Thank you thank you thank you. All of the pieces - art, poetry, your writing, quotes, videos, meditation - are like opening the most amazing picnic basket that hits all of the notes. And its all in this extraordinary package tied together so beautifully. I've barely scratched the surface so I plan to revisit it over and over again! By some magic of the Universe I met you and am so grateful!"
- from Tracey in Tennessee
"Xochitl! This journey is my salvation right now! It is so rich and helping me get deep in my bones and opening up my body. It is increasing the circuitry from my body into Gaia and back. It came at just the right time for me to find my resiliency again. Bless you!"
- from Michelle in Marin County, California
"Your content is fantastic! It is deeply thought-provoking with beautiful images, poetry and sweet music. Well done for setting the stage for sensual delight!"
- from Suzanne in Canada
"Truly I am in awe of your daily invitations! Your delivery each day is so engaging and enlightening. You are sharing personal insights and experiences but it is not your agenda, rather an enticing exploration to consider. There is also a subtle sense that everyone is on a journey with you, collectively moving in a direction....a pathless path sort of feels safe to follow your daily lead!"
- from Steve in Arkansas
"The daily journey is extraordinary! I'm blown away as it is ten times more than I expected! Thank you thank you thank you. All of the pieces - art, poetry, your writing, quotes, videos, meditation - are like opening the most amazing picnic basket that hits all of the notes. And its all in this extraordinary package tied together so beautifully. I've barely scratched the surface so I plan to revisit it over and over again! By some magic of the Universe I met you and am so grateful!"
- from Tracey in Tennessee
"Xochitl! This journey is my salvation right now! It is so rich and helping me get deep in my bones and opening up my body. It is increasing the circuitry from my body into Gaia and back. It came at just the right time for me to find my resiliency again. Bless you!"
- from Michelle in Marin County, California
"Your content is fantastic! It is deeply thought-provoking with beautiful images, poetry and sweet music. Well done for setting the stage for sensual delight!"
- from Suzanne in Canada
The IGNITION Journey...
The Practice:
I will send you a package of 15 daily invitations to be done in your own timing. Each is carefully crafted to inspire your IGNITION exploration by including:
Your commitment: Set aside 45-60 minutes for 15 days with the intention to slow down and experiment with softening into the subtle fluid realms of ease and pleasure. The journey can be done at your own pace. Approach each day with curiosity, humility and playfulness! |
Cost: $123 or $99 whichever works for your budget, for 2 weeks of daily encouragement and resources that you will have access to forever for your pleasure. Call or text for more information 707-787-7772 |
What people are saying about Sacred Sensuality journeys:
"This journey is so professionally and beautifully curated, much better than I could have imagined. Your attention to detail, beauty, effort and aesthetics are lavish and way above my expectations. I feel completely held and safely led by you."
- from Catherine in L.A., California
"What a beautiful message today visually, audibly and sensually. It conjured up many images and sensations for me to start my day. I was most surprised how the poem ignited and awoke a sacred energy in my throat and ears. You are a blessing!"
- from Maria in San Rafael, California
"Well, this has been a rich and immersive journey the last couple of weeks with your daily missives. I can't thank you enough for bringing forth your wisdom, the wisdom to collaborate with others to weave a collective supportive container to go deeper. It was of immense help and exactly the deeper dive into my body and inner universe that I needed. I am still reviewing the material as it feels so much a part of the New Earth frequencies for which I am so hungry!"
- from Michael in North Bay, California
"This journey is so professionally and beautifully curated, much better than I could have imagined. Your attention to detail, beauty, effort and aesthetics are lavish and way above my expectations. I feel completely held and safely led by you."
- from Catherine in L.A., California
"What a beautiful message today visually, audibly and sensually. It conjured up many images and sensations for me to start my day. I was most surprised how the poem ignited and awoke a sacred energy in my throat and ears. You are a blessing!"
- from Maria in San Rafael, California
"Well, this has been a rich and immersive journey the last couple of weeks with your daily missives. I can't thank you enough for bringing forth your wisdom, the wisdom to collaborate with others to weave a collective supportive container to go deeper. It was of immense help and exactly the deeper dive into my body and inner universe that I needed. I am still reviewing the material as it feels so much a part of the New Earth frequencies for which I am so hungry!"
- from Michael in North Bay, California
About Xochitl: I love exploring the subtle fluid realms of energy and have been professionally practicing energy medicine for over 10 years. I am also very curious about Sacred Sensuality and Sacred Sexuality and the role it has played in the emotional, spiritual and physical health of humans throughout history. I am finding in life that the more experiments I make—with humility and a good sense of humor—the better! A “no pain, no gain” achievement model has only left me depleted, not sated. Instead, opening and allowing laughter, pleasure, music, magic, juicy connection with all sorts of beings, deeply felt grief, and poetry to freely flow through me is what lights me up—and what I choose for Medicine.
Above paintings:
Embodiment by Autumn Skye,
Baptism in the Ocean of Awareness by Alex Grey,
A poem to savor...
FAITHFUL FOLLOWING THE FLOW In these moments I let myself thaw from noun to verb, finding my own liquidity, and let gravity begin to pull like an old, sweet summoning, I then sluice through labyrinthian cracks in my own becoming, flowing faithfully right to the feet of this great mountain of stillness behind my sternum. And then - here I am ancient, drunk on the richness of gaining absolutely nothing at all. - Brooke McNamara |