There is a silence in the beginning. The life within us grows quiet. There is little fear. No matter how all this comes out, from now on it cannot not exist ever again. * The present pushes back the life of regret. It draws forward the life of desire. Soon memory will have started sticking itself all over us. We were fashioned from clay in a hurry, poor throwing may mean it didn’t matter to the makers if their pots cracked. * On the mountain tonight the full moon faces the full sun. Now could be the moment when we fall apart or we become whole. Our time seems to be up—I think I even hear it stopping. Then why have we kept up the singing for so long? Because that’s the sort of determined creature we are. Before us, our first task is to astonish, and then, harder by far, to be astonished. We come to be astonished. To be reminded that the world—this life—is still full of astonishing things: unexplainable acts of goodness, stunning beauty, impossible hope. We come because we need—every one of us—to fall to our knees from time to time, in wonder. In awe. - Galway Kinnell
This poem is in honor of Ezra, my second son, who leaves home this week to make his own way in the world, to follow his heart...
Much more than even so, SO much more than even... this kid, his heart, my heart... Go my wild sweet...held, beheld... emerge with widened wings... Two years ago my first son, Silas, left home. You can check out the Kahlil Gibran poem here: www.guideforconscioushealing.com/wild-words-poetry-blog/lifes-longing-for-itself
We cannot live without the night, gossamer veils of emptiness. The Goddess is black, but each pore of her body emits a rainbow. Motionless, she watches beyond care, yet flows like a river of healing. Doesn't dark energy circle us all like Mother Raven? Take root in your grief. That is where the sun is born. Ascend through a bolder falling. Her womb is immaculate silence. Her void is moist with stars. Yet she who cradles them all has become your breath. Haven't I told you there is wine in the void between thoughts, Joy and sorrow mingled in one cup? Now taste, and who knows if tonight you might not finally embrace the fierce beauty of your beaten heart? - Alfred K. LaMotte
October 2024