Please join me on Sunday, September 29th, from 2-4 pm EST for the launch of my new book of poetry If Life Is Love. If you live on Cape Cod, the event will take place at First Parish Brewster UU Church. The event will also be livestreamed—so if you want to join us online, simply tune into the First Parish Brewster YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx25Z7yBfsFqneQjThk5-pA Lauren Wolk and Wilderness Sarchild will also be sharing their writing, and Pam McLane and Kayli Cullen will perform their beautiful music! I hope you can join us! Chuck
This sense that something went wrong. The sense that we have fallen and taken the world down with us. The sense that all might have turned out better had she not made some colossal mistake in the beginning. The sense that nature disapproves, and every flower is shouting about the impending cataclysm because a dark mother tasted the fruit of unbearable joy. Dear friend, don't you know that humans hesitate and cower before uncertainty age after age, inventing this story again and again? It's how we feel when we don't know how to breathe, when we don't know how to pause between heartbeats, to savor the delicate bouquet of this moment. Some say heaven will appear when this tribulation is over. I say heaven is an infinitesimal grain of silence at the tip of your exhalation, just before you receive the gift of another breath. Meet me here. We'll dance barefoot in the garden where nothing ever went wrong, and there was only one tree, whose roots went deep into the loam, whose branches bent down with clusters of ripening sweet stars, and a sparkling serpent spiraled up the spine of the Goddess. The serpent was Wisdom. The Goddess was Eve. She marveled at the dust in the palm of her hand, blew upon it, and created a Man. - Alfred LaMotte Joy does not arrive with a fanfare on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life joy sneaks in as you pour a cup of coffee watching the sun hit your favorite tree, just right and you usher joy away because you are not ready for her your house is not as it should be for such a distinguished guest but joy, you see, cares nothing for your messy home or your bank balance, or your waistline joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life that’s how joy works you cannot truly invite her you can only be ready when she appears and hug her with meaning because in this very moment joy chose you - Donna Ashworth
Listen. I want to tell you something. This morning is bright after all the steady rain, and every iris, peony, rose, opens its mouth, rejoicing. I want to say, wake up, open your eyes, there's a snow-covered road ahead, a field of blankness, a sheet of paper, an empty screen. Even the smallest insects are singing, vibrating their entire bodies, tiny violins of longing and desire. We were made for song. I can't tell you what prayer is, but I can take the breath of the meadow into my mouth, and I can release it for the leaves' green need. I want to tell you your life is a blue coal, a slice of orange in the mouth, cut hay in the nostrils. The cardinals' red song dances in your blood. Look, every month the moon blossoms into a peony, then shrinks to a sliver of garlic. And then it blooms again. - Barbara Crooker
Are you looking for a quiet place? But friend, you are already here. The repose of your blood between pulsations. A secret chamber in your chest where you have no enemies, no one is to blame, and the endless journey has never begun. Here even prayers for peace need no speaking. You can disperse into the finer element you are before you breathe. You can be the sparkling sky in the lungs of a hummingbird, smoke of sage in desert air, aureole in emptiness where the flame just blew out. Here you can burn away because you remember your body is made of vanished stars. You can stumble and fall into your own rhythm, which feels like you are not moving at all because your mind is at rest in flesh that needs no discipline of stillness. You are a nest inside the egg, a mother's womb that carries her own savior, the seed of what you have always been seeking. Now flower on a Winter night. - Alfred K. LaMotte
September 2024